The Itineraries Guidebook Template for Short-Term and Vacation Rentals
As a 5-star Superhost, guests expect nothing less than insider knowledge when it comes to the best experiences in the area. At one of our short-term vacation rentals, Spahaus 7 Tremblant, we take pride in curating the ultimate guest experience, not just through our hospitality but also by offering a comprehensive guide to the local gems.
Our Itineraries Guidebook for short-term and vacation rentals is meticulously crafted to provide guests with daily recommendations for dining and exploration. From charming bistros to adrenaline-pumping adventures, guests want to be “in the know”.
What sets our guidebook apart from others on the market is its versatility. We don't just hand you an empty template with graphics. In each of our six main chapters, we provide you with prompts on what to write, with real-life examples from our own short-term vacation rentals. We take the guesswork out of knowing how to graphically organize and script your Itinerary Guidebook!
As a 5-star Superhost, guests expect nothing less than insider knowledge when it comes to the best experiences in the area. At one of our short-term vacation rentals, Spahaus 7 Tremblant, we take pride in curating the ultimate guest experience, not just through our hospitality but also by offering a comprehensive guide to the local gems.
Our Itineraries Guidebook for short-term and vacation rentals is meticulously crafted to provide guests with daily recommendations for dining and exploration. From charming bistros to adrenaline-pumping adventures, guests want to be “in the know”.
What sets our guidebook apart from others on the market is its versatility. We don't just hand you an empty template with graphics. In each of our six main chapters, we provide you with prompts on what to write, with real-life examples from our own short-term vacation rentals. We take the guesswork out of knowing how to graphically organize and script your Itinerary Guidebook!
As a 5-star Superhost, guests expect nothing less than insider knowledge when it comes to the best experiences in the area. At one of our short-term vacation rentals, Spahaus 7 Tremblant, we take pride in curating the ultimate guest experience, not just through our hospitality but also by offering a comprehensive guide to the local gems.
Our Itineraries Guidebook for short-term and vacation rentals is meticulously crafted to provide guests with daily recommendations for dining and exploration. From charming bistros to adrenaline-pumping adventures, guests want to be “in the know”.
What sets our guidebook apart from others on the market is its versatility. We don't just hand you an empty template with graphics. In each of our six main chapters, we provide you with prompts on what to write, with real-life examples from our own short-term vacation rentals. We take the guesswork out of knowing how to graphically organize and script your Itinerary Guidebook!
Included in this Digital Download
We’ve spent hundreds of hours mastering The Itineraries templates and scripts so you don’t have to!
Created in Canva, this compressive 19-page Guidebook contains templates with easy drag and drop layouts and pre-written scripts, categorized by the following sections:
01: Welcome to Your Stay
02: Winter 1-5 Day Itinerary
03: Summer 1-5 Day Itinerary
04: Locations of the Places Referenced
05: Trail Maps of Places Referenced
06: Quick Picks
Within each section, we provide tips on what to say, recommendations on where to place photos and example pre-written scripts taken from our own Spahaus 7 Tremblant Itineraries Guidebook.
Simply add your branding, customize the text and your Itineraries Guidebook is ready to use!
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Expected Outcomes
You’ll have a professional and polished Itineraries Guidebook customized to suit your unique brand and rental stay.
Quick-start drag and drop layouts allowing for an easy edit, copy/paste into your own Guidebook.
A Guidebook that provide the peace of mind that your guests have every detail about their stay and the 5-star experience they’re looking for.
How to Access the Guidebook Template and Adapt to Your Stay
After purchase, the template will be emailed as a digital product with downloadable links to a PDF and a Canva file. Work with the template of your choice.
Both PDF and Canva files have identical content but provide different ways to receive the content to edit and create your own Guidebook.
Only the free version of Canva is required. The paid subscription is not necessary.
In Canva, you can customize the layouts, fonts, logos and branding.
Templates are simple to use and come with video instructions to get you set up.
The Guidebook template is a one-time purchase. No on-going fees for multiple uses or productions.
All digital products are a final sale. View our Purchase Policy.
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We recommend combining this digital download with our other Guidebooks and Templates for Short-Term and Vacation Rental Hosts, to have a complete and comprehensive digital library of communication, operational and guest experience templates and guides for your rental properties.